Welcome to Sole Support Footcare, where happy, healthy feet lead to joyful adventures!
Our Footcare Services
Professional Footcare Service
$80 Moscow, Pullman
Professional foot care involves specialized treatment of foot conditions by a qualified healthcare professional. This may include addressing long, thickened, or discolored toenails, calluses, and other foot problems. Services can range from simple nail care to skin treatments, and more complex procedures can be referred to a podiatrist or your primary care provider.
Additional Distance Fees
The distance fee is added to the Footcare service fee.
$10 IDAHO: Potlatch, Genesee, Troy WASHINGTON: Albion, Colton, Uniontown
$20 IDAHO: Bovill, Deary, Kendrick, Julietta WASHINGTON: Colfax, Palouse, Garfield
$30 Lewiston/Clarkston
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the heart of Sole Support
“I learned from caring for my dad that one’s feet and teeth have the greatest impact on maintaining the quality of life as we age. Keeping patients on their feet allows them to better care for themselves, as well as enjoy the countless life-enriching activities that require standing and walking.”
- Jerry Schutz, BSN, RN, CSFS Founder of Sole Support Footcare